Aggregated collections from the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and archival collections related to the BAAS from institutions across the United Kingdom.
WDA: BAAS includes reports; fieldnotes, correspondence and diaries; grey literature; photographs, artwork and illustrations; journal manuscripts; photographs; proceedings, lectures, and ephemera. The collection spans a wide variety of interdisciplinary research areas, and supports educational needs in a broad range of subjects and disciplines including the History of Science, Life Sciences; Physical Sciences; Mathematics; Engineering; Area Studies; Colonial, Post-Colonial & Decolonization Studies; Development Studies; Environmental Degradation; Historical Sociology; Geology; International Relations; Trade and Commerce, and Law and Policy relating to Science.
Dimensions provides metadata and full-text seaching for publications, conference abstracts, grants, patents, clinical trials, datasets, policy documents and more. Please register using your email address (e.g.