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Extended Reality Resource Guide

Getting started with the HoloLens 2

To get started with Hololens 2:

  1. Turn the device on. The on/off button located at the right back position of the headset.
  2. Put the headset on. Adjust it with the strap and the gear at the back of the headset.
  3. Make sure you are connected to the wifi. 
  4. Log in with your Georgia Tech username and password.
  5. Choose the app you want to use.

This device could be controlled by voice or gesture. This gesture control guide will help you get started.


Develop content in Hololens 2

There are different tools you can use to develop an app in Hololens 2. The most popular one is Unity with Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK). Unity game engine is installed on our VR/MR development workstation in G192 in Crosland Tower, if you hope to use it. This workstation is also ready to configure your MRTK.

Unity Tutorial

View this page for more device specs information.