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Read and Publish

Introduction and Details of the Georgia Tech Read and Publish (aka Transformative) greements

Transformative Agreements

Read and Publish is a type of license agreement that integrates a read fee, which is similar to the subscription fee, and a publish fee, which is similar to the Author Publishing Charges / Book Publishing Charges (APC/BPC) that Institute faculty are charged to make their publications Open Access.

Open Access is a means of making scholarly material available to the entire research community worldwide, without the need to subscribe or pay for a particular article.   Publishers make up the lost revenue by charging APC/BPC.

For the library, we are evaluating Read and Publish agreements and are beginning to enter those agreements that are a clear win for campus.  There a variety of license models out there, but we are first looking at those that provide a fixed cost for an unlimited number of articles written that provides a net benefit to campus with a focus on society presses.  We are also exploring options with major publishers through consortia partners and prioritizing our effors to publishers that Georgia Tech authors use the most.      

So far the library has entered into Read and Publish Agreements with the following vendors:

  • Journal Articles
    • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
    • American Chemical Society (ACS)
    • The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (new for 2025
    • Cambridge University Press
    • Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press
    • Company of Biologists
    • Institute of Physics (IOP)
    • Royal Society
    • Royal Society of Chemistry
    • SPIE (new for 2025)
    • Springer  (new for 2025)  (hybird OA journals only - does not include Nature imprints)
    • Wiley
  • Books
    • MIT Press Direct to Open (D2O)

The mechanism varies by publisher, but in general if the corresponding author uses their address, and selects Open Access, the APC should be waived for their article.

This is new for us as well, so feel free to reach out to Jay Forrest ( if you have questions, experience issues, or are being charged an APC when you think that you shouldn't.

Library is working with vendors and consortial partners to expand access to transformative agreements with several negotiations in progress for 2024.  For Faculty Society members, if your society has a read and publish agreement that you would like us to explore also reach out to Jay.


ACM Open

ACM Open is a transformative model of publishing, where ACM seeks to alter its revenue stream to support broader access to ACM publications.  Instead of depending on subscription fees, it will focus on an author fee model.  

Pricing is tiered based on the average number of scholarly output to ACM journals and conference proceedings.   Georgia Tech as a top 20 producer is in tier 1.  While this does mean that we get to pay the highest cost, the success of ACM open will that the schools publishing the least will have a substantially reduced (and potentially free) access to ACM content.

ACM open is a special case, where there is a clear savings to the Institute, but that savings is distributed across campus.  The standard library subscription to the ACM Digital Library is an order of magnitude lower than the ACM Open costs.   We will ramp up to the full Tier 1 pricing over the next five years, and the Provost has generously provided funding for the first three years of ACM Open.

Benefits to Georgia Tech:

  • We promote the distribution of Georgia Tech research worldwide.
  • APCs are waived when the corresponding author is Georgia Tech affiliated (use your address).

For more information:



ACS "Read and Publish" via University System of Georgia

GALILEO has reached an agreement on a Read and Publish offer with ACS that expands access for their full journal package to all GALILEO higher education members. The main benefits are:

  • Read access to the full journals package has been expanded to all GALILEO higher education institutions.
Which ACS journals are included in this Agreement?

The table below shows the ACS journals where your article publishing charge (APC) should be covered by your institution. Unless otherwise stated, this Agreement covers 100% of the APC.

Journal / Collection Included in Agreement?
ACS Central Science included ACS Central Science Diamond open access: Free to publish and read
ACS Omega included ACS Omega Tick   APC covered
ACS Au journals included ACS Au family (including JACS Au) Tick   APC covered
Other ACS fully open access journals Waivers may be available: see individual journals for information
ACS transformative journals Tick   APC covered

Cambridge University Press Journals Read & Publish

The library participates in a number of consortia which allow us to leverage the purchasing power of a group of schools to negotiate discounts, reduced journal inflation, and special license arrangements.   One of our partners NERL, negotiated a good Read and Publish deal from Cambridge University Press.

Read fee is our traditional subscription fee.

Publish fee is based on institutional output, in our first three years our publish fee is based on the average APCs paid, and provides unlimited publish for the following three years without APCs.   Success does mean that the publish fee may increase in future years.

Benefits to Georgia Tech:

  • We promote the distribution of Georgia Tech Research Worldwide
  • APCs are waived when the corresponding author is Georgia Tech Affiliated (use your address) and the journal supports green or gold Open Access (over 400 CUP titles)

To see which journals qualify:  OA Waiver & Discount checker tool

For more information:



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Journals
CSHLP research journals to which Licensee’s corresponding authors may submit articles for OA publication:

Genes & Development
Genome Research
Learning & Memory
Molecular Case Studies (OA publication)

For authors who choose to publish as Open Access, any such article processing charges are waived.

Georgia Tech authors who choose not to publish articles as Open Access must pay an article processing charge of $1500.

The Company of Biologists

Georgia Tech authors can also publish an uncapped number of Open Access research articles in our hybrid subscription journals and our fully Open Access journals. A step-by-step guide for authors is available here.


Journal of Cell Science

Journal of Experimental Biology

Disease Models & Mechanisms

Biology Open.

More information can be found at the vendor site:

MIT D2O - monographs

MIT Press is one of a handful of University Presses that are trying to shift their publishing model from book sales to a crowd funded type model.   

Individual instutions pay a fee based on their institution type and size and if enough Instittutions join the front list (current year) of book releases are made open access and available worldwide.  

Benefits to Georgia Tech:

  • We promote the distribution of Georgia Tech research worldwide.
  • Book Publishing Charges (BPC) are waived for Georgia Tech authors during our participation period (initially 2022-2024).
  • We gain a back catalog of about 2300 MIT Press titles, many of which were not previously available to GT in electronic form or only available through Interlibrary Loan.

For more information: