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LibKey - Accessing eJournals

LibKey General Information

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that connects you with library-licensed and open access full text articles. LibKey Nomad is available for most major browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. When using LibKey Nomad, you are automatically directed to the best available version of an article so there is no need to search multiple places. When the full text is not available you will be provided with options to request the article through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).

LibKey Nomad does not require the creation of a personal account, it does not track users or hold user credentials, and it is only active when on the web page of a scholarly publisher or database.

  1. Install the LibKey Nomad extension for browser of choice. (Note: A user account is not required to use the extension.)
  2. Search for and select "Georgia Tech Library" from the list of institutions. (see image below)
  3. LibKey Nomad button appears for downloading PDFs on publisher websites, PubMed, and even Wikipedia. 



Publisher Websites

Publisher Websites

When browsing publisher and other web pages, LibKey Nomad provides a link to download the PDF of an article available through the Georgia Tech Library. It is not necessary to first connect through the Georgia Tech Library website. If the full text is not available through the Georgia Tech Library subscriptions, a button for "Access Options" will appear and you will be connected to options for requesting the article through interlibrary loan (ILL).

LibKey Nomad Publisher Website

Here is the same article in PubMed

When browsing PubMed, LibKey Nomad provides a link to download the PDF of an article available through the Georgia Tech Library. 

PubMed_LibKey Nomad