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Department of Energy (DOE) Public Access Policy: Compliance for Data

Information on how to comply with the Department of Energy's requirements that journal articles and associated research data be made publicly accessible.

Need Help with a DMP?

If you need help with a Data Management Plan (DMP), please visit the DMPTool or contact our Digital Scholarship Librarian, Susan Parham at

Data Management Plan

As of October 1, 2014, all Department of Energy Office of Science research proposals must include a Data Management Plan (DMP). All other DOE Offices will implement similar DMP requirements by October 1, 2015. Here is a link to their Research Data policy:

All proposals submitted to the Office of Science for research funding must include a Data Management Plan (DMP) that addresses the following requirements: 

  1. DMPs should describe whether and how data generated during the proposed research will be shared and preserved. If the plan is not to share and/or preserve certain data, then the DMP should explain the basis of that decision. At a minimum, the DMP should indicate how plans for sharing and preservation will enable validation of results, or how results could be validated if data are not shared or preserved. 
  2. DMPs should describe how all research data displayed in publications resulting from the proposed research will be made open, machine-readable, and digitally accessible to the public, at the time of publication. Published articles should indicate how related data can be accessed. 
  3. DMPs should consult and reference available information and resources about data management to be used in the course of the proposed research. Projects that require resources beyond what is normally available to approved users should include written approval in their proposal. 
  4. DMPs must protect sensitive data, whether the data contain proprietary information, personally identifiable information, or confidential information. There is no requirement to share proprietary information. 

DMPs will be reviewed as part of the proposal merit review process. The sponsoring program or sub-program may also have more specific requirements. Individual solicitations may also have more specific requirements. See the link to the DOE Research Data policy for full information.

Office of Science Program Requirements

Office of Science Program Requirement
Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)  

DMPs must discuss the following applicable issues:

  • Open Source License to be used; 
  • Whether executable versions of software will be released; 
  • How software can be found and accessed and the length of time the software will be available; 
  • How proprietary 3rd party software or libraries were used in the creation of this software. 
Be sure to refer to and comply with any relevant ASCR facility policies. 
Biological and Environmental Research (BER)

Data of potentially broad use in climate change research should be archived, when possible, in data repositories for subsequent dissemination. Relevant CESD-funded data repositories include:

The BER program requires that all publishable data, metadata, and software from research funded by the Genomic Sciences Program conform to community standard formats, be clearly attributable, and be deposited within a community recognized public database(s). Data consistent with DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) should be accessible to KBase and integrated into KBase. The PI must maintain Genomic Science Program funded digitally accessible data for the duration of the funded project. 

Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)

The SC Statement on Digital Data Management applies to codes used to analyze experimental data and to simulation codes. With respect to codes, FES specifically: 

  • Encourages that codes be made available to the broader community via Open Source Licenses; 
  • Recognizes the right of code developers to establish a period of exclusive use for developed software and that sharing may be limited to stable versions of code(s); 
  • Recognizes that code sharing may be limited by proprietary interests, export control, intellectual property, and issues affecting US competitiveness. 
  • Acknowledges that code sharing does not obligations for code developers to provide software support, unless there is a collaboration agreement between the parties. 
  • Understands that code sharing should respect existing user license agreements established by code developers. 
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

The SBIR/STTR Program Office offers two options for submitted DMPs: 

1. It is anticipated that all generated data will be protected as SBIR/STTR data and therefore will not be publicly shared during the applicable SBIR/STTR data protection period. It will be assumed that the proposer has chosen Option 1. 

2. If the PI plans to publicly disclose technical data during the data protection period or for data not expected to be asserted as protected SBIR/STTR rights data, please submit a DMP in accordance with the requirements of the Office of Science Statement on Digital Data Management. 


Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Requirements

The Office of EERE will include additional requirements to ensure specific datasets are submitted to the Open Energy Information Platform (OpenEI). All publicly accessible data on OpenEI will be integrated into the DOE Enterprise Data Inventory and Public Data Listing. 

EERE will also provide guidance about data management best practices and will provide a high level template DMP. The template will include information on subject specific repositories, such as BioEnergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (KDF) and the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS). 

DOE Office of Science Data Access Plan

Did you know?

The DoE Office of Science already has a Data Management policy in place. If your funding comes from the Office of Science, check out their data policy.

Data Repositories

p>Where will you put your data?

Georgia Tech's institutional repository, SMARTech, may be able to house your research data. Contact our Digital Scholarship Librarian to find out what your options are for archiving your data and making it accessible. also maintains a comprehensive listing of available data repositories.