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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Access Policy: Compliance for Data

Need Help with a DMP?

If you need help with a Data Management Plan (DMP), please visit the DMPTool or contact our Digital Scholarship Librarian, Susan Parham at

Making data available

The ASPR Public Access Policy has data requirements both before and after your grant is approved.

Before: Your proposal must include a Data Management Plan (DMP), which will describe how research data will be preserved, made accessible generated by the research.

After: Your research data must be placed in a digital repository named in your DMP. ASPR is also currently working on establishing a partnership with a commercial repository; details to come, so check back soon.





Data Repositories

Where will you put your data?

Georgia Tech's institutional repository, SMARTech, may be able to house your research data. Contact our Digital Scholarship Librarian to find out what your options are for archiving your data and making it accessible.