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EndNote at Georgia Tech

EndNote step-by-step

Install EndNote and create an EndNote library

Georgia Tech users can download the latest version of EndNote for Windows or Mac from the OIT software site. Be sure to make note of the product key on the download page; you will need this during installation. Once EndNote is installed, you can create your first EndNote library. This library – which consists of an ENL file and a Data folder – should be stored in the same location on your computer's hard drive.

Add references

EndNote allows manual data entry, but for most references you can take advantage of direct export from online databases – downloading references in the RIS format works best. (Please note, EndNote's built-in online search does not work with most Georgia Tech databases.) EndNote’s Find duplicates command will clean up duplicate references you might download from different sources.

Find reference updates

EndNote searches for and retrieves available updates for selected references, including updated journal names, DOI, keywords, abstracts and other metadata. 

Find full text

Retrieve and automatically attach articles in PDF format to your existing EndNote references. EndNote finds full text articles available via PubMed LinkOut, OpenURL and EZProxy. Use VPN for maximum full text results when off campus.

Organize references

EndNote offers two ways to organize records in your library: groups and tags.

Groups make it easy to break a large library into subsets for later viewing. A group simply points to a subset of references that already exist in the library. EndNote provides three types of groups:

  • Custom Groups – manually move references into one or more groups that you name and organize.
  • Smart Groups – automatically move references into a group based on search parameters.
  • Combined Groups – create groups that combine references from two or more other groups.

Tags let you create custom, color-coded labels for quick organization of your references.

MS Word Cite While You Write (CWYW)

CWYW is automatically installed with EndNote in Microsoft Word and Apple Pages, and is available as an add-in to Google Docs. This workshop covers CWYW in Word.

Insert Citation using a search window in Word, or by searching in EndNote.
Change Styles in EndNote and Word with a simple drop-down menu. Access over 7000 citation styles at
Edit and Manage Citation(s) to customize in-text citations in a document.
Configure Bibliography to customize reference lists created in Word for a selected style.

Google Docs CWYW

The Google Docs EndNote Cite While You Write add-on has a direct integration with your EndNote Web account. CWYW automatically creates, formats, and reformats in-text citations and reference lists. If you are collaborating with co-authors, you can pool your references with theirs in your shared Google Doc.

Sync references online, share references with others

Choose Library > Sync and set up an account at if you don’t already have one. You can sync the data from one EndNote library with EndNote online.

Share your entire EndNote library (File > Share), or share one or more groups (Groups > Share Group), with up to 1000 other EndNote users.