The Library is not just a place for books. Libraries, including Georgia Tech and your local public library, subscribe to sources for streaming film and media. Georgia Tech also subscribes to newspapers and magazines from Atlanta, the U.S., and around the world.
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These resources provide streaming access to feature films and documentary content from around the world.
Classic and contemporary feature films and documentaries from the silent era, mid-20th century cinema, and international features representing a variety of world languages.
English subtitles accompany all foreign language films. Using Films On Demands Custom Segment tool, faculty and students may create customized segments of specific scenes from a film, which can be embedded, shared, and saved. Some World Cinema titles contain mature themes or content; viewer discretion is advised.
See all film and documentary resources on the database A-Z list. In addition, the Library subscribes to film and video streaming services for faculty to use in their classes. Please contact your subject librarian for more information.
Many public libraries provide access to streaming media resources and other materials. You may be a member of your local public library, and all Georgia Tech students may apply for a library card at the Fulton County Public Library. All public libraries offer different collections. The Fulton County Public Library offers streaming media through two of their digital library services:
Find newspaper and magazine articles from around the world. Students, staff and faculty can access the New York Times digital edition. PressReader and Flipster both provide full-color, newsstand versions of their sources. PressReader and Access World News are the best ways to read the Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC). Use Access World News or NexisUni to find full-text article content from thousands of sources.
Use VPN. Set up your free account to find current and past articles and most digital content on the NYT website back to 1851.
No Text and Data mining. Existing New York Times ID, If you have previously registered your email address on The New York Times site, you will click the “Already have an account? Log in here" link (below the "Create Account" button).
See all newspaper and magazine resources on the A-Z databases list.