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Extended Reality at the Georgia Tech Library

This guide provides resources that are relevant to those researching or developing with emerging technologies. The guide also discusses some of the devices available at the Georgia Tech Library

Getting Started

Before you start:

1.  Having some familiarity with object oriented programming will be useful before beginning with AR development.

  • For example understanding some information about C# . The library provides a variety of resources to support learning- a few examples are listed below.

2.  To create an app: You need a Mac or Windows Computer.       

  • To Test an app: You need AR compatible -IOS (A9 chip or higher) device, or Android device. (ARCore supported devices)

3. Mac users: Can create AR apps for IOS or Android.--  (Xcode is needed for IOS, and is only available for Mac OS) 

4. Windows: Can create AR apps for Android only. 

5. You will also need access to the software Unity  - further details on how to install Unity can be found on Linked in Learning

  • Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies - a software development environment.
  • The Complete Course on getting started with AR development is located in this 4 part series.

Recommended Readings

Recommended Video- Mini projects