On this page are resources with detailed statistics. Some have robust download options; others are reports. Also, consider reading some Country Profiles, in order to get a full picture of a country or countries.
Create custom tables & charts. Select "Datasets", then "International Relations & Trade". Note: new name: SageData
Views also include descriptive summaries of the datasets and data sources. Datasets cover a wide range of subjects including business, finance, banking, economics, sociology, political science, demography, agriculture, education, international studies, criminal justice, housing and construction, labor and employment, energy resources and industries, and more. Sources include public, private/commercial, and nongovernmental organizations.
From the United Nations. Population, economic indicators, education, labor force, and more, including R&D expenditures (percent of GDP) and CO2 emissions.
Population statistics include: population growth, life expectancy, migrants, refugees. Environment & Infrastructure indicators include: Research & Development expenditures, CO2 emission estimate. Economic indicators include: CPI. Social indicators include percent spent on education.
Can browse statistics in 19 broad themes - energy ; digital development ; finance, competitiveness & innovation , and more. Or, select the Overview tab. Databank, top right, links to many more annual statistics.
Key World Bank datasets include World Development Indicators. The "World Bank" refers to two of five institutions within the Group: International Bank for Reconstruction & Development and the International Development Association. Its mission is to fight poverty & improve living standards of people in the developing world.
Authoritative, harmonized global statistical data from the International Financial Statistics, Direction of Trade, Balance of Payments, Government Finance Statistics, and World Economic Outlook.