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Georgia & Atlanta Business

Research Guide for Georgia and Atlanta business resources

Economic Conditions - Local and State

The sources noted below can give you and in-depth understanding of the forces that shape the economic conditions in Georgia.

  • Atlanta Regional Commission - for the 10-county metropolitan area. "Resources" tab has data and mapping tools
  • Regional Economics, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - includes the Region's "Beige Book" report - a summary of current economic conditions, issued several times a year by the Federal Reserve for each of the 12 Districts
  • Foreclosure Resource Center - from the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. Resources to support community leaders and others working in housing and neighborhood stabilization and revitalization.
  • Georgia Data - charts, graphs, and statistics on 10 broad business-related topics. From a chart, you can easily filter by geography. From the University of Georgia's Carl Vinson Institute of Government.
  • Selig Center for Economic Growth - some reports are free; annual Georgia Economic Outlook is available for purchase.  Center provides economic expertise to Georgia businesses and entrepreneurs; based at the University of Georgia.


Population Forecasts & Census

Sources for quick population statistics in Georgia are listed below.

For the broadest list of the estimates of key current population information, QuickFacts is a best bet.

For forecasts, choose Population Projections, a program from the State of Georgia. 

Both sources provide updates about once a year.