Scholarly sources, which are normally published in journals, as book chapters, or in conference proceedings, usually cover specific topics at a fairly deep level. In Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, scholarly sources may include research articles, papers, and technical reports.
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A scholarly database organizes the best quality, most relevant information for a field or discipline in one place so it can be searched. Because there is so much scholarly research and so many different fields, databases specialize in which kinds of information or tools they provide.
Scholarly databases take into account the important publications and research methods of a field or discipline. The database helps you make choices about which articles you want to see - by subject, dates of publication, overall topic, and more. Google and Google Scholar, while vast, do no quality control on the content they provide or give you good tools to narrow your focus.
Compendex is the main engineering source for peer-reviewed journal articles, and also for summaries of conference proceedings. What is a conference? It's a meeting of professionals in a field. At some of the sessions, attendees share results of their research or a successful project, or explore an idea. These researchers have submitted proposals in advance; a committee of their peers reviewed proposals and accepted the top ones. In STEM fields, after the conference, many of these presentations are issued as proceedings - typically formatted as a document.
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