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Mendeley at Georgia Tech

Build and organize your library

Import references using a variety of methods:

  • Drag and drop PDFs from your computer
  • Import files from your computer
  • Manually create an entry from scratch or by searching a standard number

Organize your library

  • Use Mendeley’s smart collections or create your own custom collections
  • Search your references by author, title, year and source
  • Add custom tags for keyword searching

Read and annotate PDFs

You can read PDFs that are attached to references in your Mendeley library, and Mendeley offers several options for making annotations and saving notes.

  • Annotate PDFs with sticky notes - see all your sticky notes in the Annotations tab
  • Highlight text, using different colors to differentiate
  • Add highlights to your Mendeley Notebook with one click
  • Work on multiple PDFs at once using the multi-tab format
  • Mendeley remembers where you reach in a document and opens your PDFs in the same location on all devices

You can collect together all the highlights and comments you make across multiple PDFs using your Mendeley Notebook.

  • Add any highlighted text from a PDF to your Notebook in one click
  • Navigate back to the source of any highlight by selecting it in your Notebook
  • Keep the same Notebook page in view while switching between PDFs
  • Make as many Notebook pages as you need

Use Mendeley Cite with Microsoft Word

Use the Mendeley Cite add-in for Microsoft Word to generate citations and bibliographies:

  • Once installed, Mendeley Cite can be accessed via the 'References' tab on the Ribbon in Word
  • You can use Mendeley Cite without Mendeley Reference Manager being open or installed

Choose your preferred citation style

  • Select a new style by going to the 'Citation Style' tab in Mendeley Cite
  • Change the style by selecting any of the styles, then 'Update citation style'
  • If the style you need isn’t listed you can select from among 1000s of styles with ‘Select another style...’ 
  • Your top 10 list will automatically update with your new selections in alphabetical order
  • If you need to use a custom citation style, you can upload your own style directly into Mendeley Cite

Find and insert or edit individual or multiple references at your cursor position

  • From the 'References' tab in Mendeley Cite select the reference(s) you wish to insert, and select ‘Insert citation’
  • Edit a reference in a citation (suppress the author in author-date citations, add page numbers, etc.)
  • Refresh references to update them with any changes made to your library

Generate a bibliography of all the references you've cited and insert it in your document

  • Position the cursor where you want the bibliography to appear in your document
  • Select the 'More' menu in Mendeley Cite and select the ‘Insert Bibliography’ button
  • Your bibliography will automatically reorder and restructure itself every time you add an additional citation