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Research Guide for Standards and Building Codes

Georgia Tech Library subscription standards databases

Includes ASCE standards

Includes ASME standards. Click on the top blue row "Standards" tab, then "Click here to access institutional account" (top right corner). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. If off-campus, VPN may be needed.

ASTM standards. In 2001, the American Society for Testing and Materials changed its name to ASTM International.

The ASTM Compass platform also includes selected standards for:

  • AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
  • AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists)
  • API (American Petroleum Institute)
  • ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
  • AWWA (American Water Works Association)
  • IES subset (Illuminating Engineering Society). Selected standards. Other IES standards can be purchased by individuals from IES or from standards vendors
  • CGA (Compressed Gas Association)
  • ISO subset (International Organization for Standardization) and ISO/ASTM Adopted Standards. Selected standards. Other ISO standards can be purchased by individuals from ISO or from standards vendors

If accessing the ASTM Compass platform from off-campus, VPN may be needed. Can refine to "My Subscription." 

  • AWS (American Welding Society). AWS is longer part of our ASTM platform subscription
  • UNE. AENOR UNE is the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification. This is longer part of our ASTM platform subscription

If you have difficulty accessing the above standards databases off-campus, try using VPN. If access issues persist, Report an eResource Issue