Includes ASME standards. Click on the top blue row "Standards" tab, then "Click here to access institutional account" (top right corner). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. If off-campus, VPN may be needed.
ASTM standards. In 2001, the American Society for Testing and Materials changed its name to ASTM International.
The ASTM Compass platform also includes selected standards for:
- AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
- AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists)
- API (American Petroleum Institute)
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
- AWWA (American Water Works Association)
- IES subset (Illuminating Engineering Society). Selected standards. Other IES standards can be purchased by individuals from IES or from standards vendors
- CGA (Compressed Gas Association)
- ISO subset (International Organization for Standardization) and ISO/ASTM Adopted Standards. Selected standards. Other ISO standards can be purchased by individuals from ISO or from standards vendors
If accessing the ASTM Compass platform from off-campus, VPN may be needed. Can refine to "My Subscription."
- AWS (American Welding Society). AWS is longer part of our ASTM platform subscription
- UNE. AENOR UNE is the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification. This is longer part of our ASTM platform subscription
If you have difficulty accessing the above standards databases off-campus, try using VPN. If access issues persist, Report an eResource Issue