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Video tutorial best practices

Things to Remember

Use the Library’s Recording Studio

Try to record audio in a single session to avoid inconsistent audio. 

Keep the use of music to a minimum if at all. 

  • Limit music to introduction and outgoing messages that are separate from the tutorial itself.  

  • If you use music, use Creative Commons/public domain music and credit the composer in the notes under the video. 

  • No lyrics in the music.

Rehearse your script.  

If you have poor elocution, pause when you make a mistake, then try again.  

  • Seek out a collaborator who does have an excellent voice or record multiple takes of each section.  

Check your audio input before each recording. Listen to the test, then adjust accordingly. 

Avoid added keyboard click noises. Remove audio of typing noises or the like.  

See the Library Gadgets Resource Guide for equipment and technology to assist with audio recording.