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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Introduction to resources for chemistry and biochemistry at Georgia Tech

Introduction to research in Chemistry and Biochemistry

This guide provides a starting point for resources on Chemistry and Biochemistry. Use the tabs on side for guidance on resources for Chemistry and Biochemistry research, including:

  • background information
  • scholarly sources
  • specialized resources
  • citations

  If you are new to the topic, go to the background information tab to get started. It includes selected handbooks & encyclopedias in chemistry, and links to videos of experiments.

Scholarly sources for this discipline include key chemistry databases and journals, plus tips on browsing journals and searching in the library catalog. Databases typically include summaries (abstracts) of journal articles and conference proceedings.

The scholarly sources page lists recommended resources.

Specialized resources that are particular to this subject include links to: Physical properties, selected additional science and engineering online resources.

Note: a CAS Registry Number is included in many sources. This number is from a division (CAS) of the American Chemical Society - it designates one substance. It is your key to a wealth of information about a specific chemical substance.

 Related guide, with links to more resources: