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Professional Master's in Applied Systems Engineering (PMASE). Library Guide. PMASE ASE 6001

Library guide: Professional Master's in Applied Systems Engineering (PMASE). PMASE ASE 6001

Patent Databases

  • Derwent Innovation Index value added titles and abstracts, written by Derwent, are in useful and precise English, to make it easy to understand an invention's novelty and claims. The original patent titles and abstracts are different from Derwent's titles and abstracts.
  • Derwent Innovations Index records can include:
    • "Citing Patents" (Number of records that cited the current patent; forward searching)
    • Patents Cited by Examiner. Articles Cited by Examiner/Inventor. Patents Cited by Inventor (backward searching)
    • Patent Family
  • Derwent Innovations Index's "Documentation Abstract" - links to a PDF of the original full text patent (original patent title and abstract)
  • Sample Derwent Innovation Index patent number searches in Espacenet and USPTO:
    • U.S. patent application US2014260608-A1. In Espacenet search as US2014260608A1. In USPTO search as (20140260608*).pn. or as ("20140260608" A1).pn. Note for USPTO patent application number search: insert zero (0) after the year (here, after 2014).
    • U.S. granted patent US8220330-B2. In Espacenet search as US8220330B2. In USPTO search as ("8220330" B2).pn. or as (8220330*).pn.
    • WO2003017745-A2. In Espacenet search as WO2003017745A2 or as WO2003017745*
    • EP697641-A2. In Espacenet search as EP697641A2 or as EP697641*
  • Refine results (left column). Such as "Assignee Names"
  • Sort by: (such as "Citations: highest first")

Brand names and trademarks

USPTO: What is a trademark? A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services.

Gale Directory Library. Click on icon "Brands and Their Companies" or use "Advanced Search" "Select one or more directories" "Select Series" check box for "Brands and Their Companies"

Gale description: Lists manufacturers and distributors from small businesses to large corporations, from both the public and private sectors. Provides complete coverage of U.S. consumer brands; manufacturers, importers and distributors; and companies that are out of business, as well as brands that are no longer in production or are now considered generic.