Create tables, charts and maps with wide range of variables using data from governments and private organizations. Formerly DataPlanet.
Views also include descriptive summaries of the datasets and data sources. Datasets cover a wide range of subjects including business, finance, banking, economics, sociology, political science, demography, agriculture, education, international studies, criminal justice, housing and construction, labor and employment, energy resources and industries, and more. Sources include public, private/commercial, and nongovernmental organizations.
Use VPN. U.S. national data, GIS mapping tool and analytics platform with data related to demographics, neighborhood conditions, real estate markets, federal income-eligible areas, money and income, lending activity, jobs and economy, education, health and more.
Access statistical data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government, categorized into 21 market sectors.
Web-based mapping, analytics, and data visualization application for making interactive maps, charts, and reports using 10,000+ data variables. Note: Limited to 5 simultaneous users.
A mapping, analytics, and data visualization application with 100,000+ data variables, including: demographic data from the US Decennial Census and the American Community Survey (ACS), consumer spending data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), and D&B's Points-of-Interest business directory providing access to over 5 million detailed US business profiles. Additionally, the premium MRI-SimmonsLOCAL consumer behavior dataset is available, which provides data on over 8,000 brands, 450 categories, detailed lifestyle statements, and consumer segmentation. Users can generate crosstabs at the DMA level using the Nielsen Scarborough Crosstab consumer behavior dataset, and analyze Scarborough data at the local level. Data is largely available down to the census block group level, and custom locations can be created.
Federal statistics and abstracts for U.S. (ASI), state, and local governments (SRI) and privately-published, international, and intergovernmental statistical sources (IIS) from 1973 to the present.
ProQuest Statistical Insight provides abstracting, indexing, and full text for publications from hundreds of public domain and licensed sources. US Federal statistical publications. 5,000 titles/year. Coverage from 1973; full text from 2004. (Also known as American Statistics Index, or ASI). State government and business statistical reports. 2,200 titles/year. Coverage from 1980; full text from 2007. (Also known as Statistics Reference Index, or SRI). International statistical publications from the UN, OECD, EU, etc. 2,500 titles/year. Coverage from 1980. Full text from 2007. (Also known as Index to International Statistics, or IIS) Hundreds of thousands of statistical tables selected from the three publication modules. Tables are individually indexed to ensure precise search and retrieval. Coverage from 1999.
Census data - both current and historical (back to 1790 for county-level, 1940 for Census tract level), and demographic information. Subscription database.Library has one seat license - please "sign out" after use.
Georgia-specific data from the Census Bureau, Georgia Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, and from the University of Georgia:
BEA site contains many statistics - national, regional, international, industry - as well as the Survey of Current Business (articles and tables). New feature - chart "Which agency produces what statistics?", at: - for BEA, BLS, Census
Includes 22,000 U.S. economic time series. Key series -Producer Price Index from 1913 onward; layoffs from 2000 onward; Employment Cost Index from 2001 onward.
Key data for entrepreneurs for their business plan or to better understand their potential market. Also includes selected consumer spending info. from Esri.
Re-engineered survey designed to integrate and replace seven existing annual business surveys into a streamlined single survey. Previously known as Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM).
Per the Census Bureau website, "Scanned images in PDF and other formats are available for publications from the 1967 to 1987 economic censuses via the search at, using terms like "1987 census of retail trade Virginia".
Selected science, health, and education statistics sources
From the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). landing page to explore and interact with EPA data resources. You can find data by topic or location, interact with those data in web-based applications, understand how EPA uses data, and see how you can use those data too.