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Government Information

Research Guide for Government Information resources


  • QuickFacts  - can select by state, county, city, town, or zip code. From the Census Bureau.

  • Georgia QuickFacts - key data for each county, city, zip code.  From the Census Bureau.

  • Census Business Builder - from the Census Bureau - 2 editions. Small Business ed.:" key data for their business plan or to better understand their potential market." ; Regional Analyst ed: "broad portrait of the people and businesses in their service area."  Also includes selected consumer spending info. from Esri.

  • - official Census Bureau site. Replaced American FactFinder.

  • Social Explorer subscription database, with easier interface than official Census website. Library has 1 seat license.

                 has "demographic profiles" feature - for states, counties, MSAs, places, Zip codes -- with charts and graphs

  • SimplyAnalytics - subscription database, with intuitive interface...can easily create custom maps. Add-on module:s Scarborough Local Insights and MRI SimmonsLOCAL.

  • Policy Map - .quickly and easily find demographics and geographies. Use VPN.

  • DataPlanet - subscription database

  • American Community Survey - data is within platform, noted below.

     •    GeorgiaData - Detailed demographic profiles of counties; county-by-county analysis; city population. County estimates for  2020, 2025, 2030, 2040, and 2050.  Select "Resources" tab, then "Georgia County Data Tables". Select the "Population Data File". Result is spreadsheet.   


Statistics Books - from New Strategist. These handy guides are concise and clearly written. Available online, within our Gale Virtual Reference Library database. Titles include:

   American Incomes: Demographics of Who Has Money

   American Marketplace: Demographics and Spending Patterns

   Best Customers: Demographics of Consumer Demand 

   Household Spending: Who Spends How Much on What 


Population Projections

Census and Demographics, 2000-2006