United States Government Manual (1935 to current -- free, online); USGM website has link to: History of Organizational Changes (a 107-pg. list of when agency/dept. names changed, and by which act/order).
Selected Federal Agencies:
Environmental Protection Agency
- Region 4 (Southeast)
Dept. of Energy (DOE)
- National Laboratories and Technology Centers
- Savannah River National Laboratory
Food & Drug Administration - Medical Devices
Georgia.gov (select "State Government" )
Georgia State Agency Databases - links from Sarah Causey, of ALA's GODORT.
State Government Information - from the Library of Congress
State and Local Government on the Net
State Transportation Web Sites - Links from the Federal Highway Administration website.
State Agency Databases Project - links from ALA's GODORT.
in particular, see: Business, Finance & Economy Sources in State Agency Databases - for most states, the agency website for searching a business entity or corporation search is listed
Book of the States - many statistics in this annual source from the Council of State Governments;
archive also online from 1935-2012
Selected Georgia Agencies:
Environmental Protection Division (of the Dept. of Natural Resources)
Atlanta Regional Commission - the regional planning agency for the 10-county area (Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties), as well as the City of Atlanta.